Advocacy for children with special needs

Among others, those with congenital defects and eventually acquire disability as they are growing, do not benefit from programs targeting “children with special needs”. In most circumstances, children with physical disabilities are the main beneficiaries, leaving out other disabilities such as; mental health conditions, intellectual disability and acquired brain injury. The lived reality of this so-often- invisible group is rejection, abuse and neglect at both family and community levels.

MhEST eversions that “every child with special needs is supported to access equal opportunity to education, social care and disability services”. Through this project, MhEST aims at strengthening and advocating for improved access to existing support and services for children with special needs.


  1. Empowering families  to demand better access  to services for children with special needs
  2. Facilitating access to psychosocial support for families of children with special needs

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